Nicros is proud to introduce their patented Auto Belay Safety System™ (A.B.S.S.™). This system provides climbing wall owners and operators a means of monitoring the use of Auto Belays on a climbing wall.
With the increasing popularity of rock climbing, indoor climbing facilities, and Auto Belays all across the country, the possibility of related accidents also increases. First released in 2011, this system uses cutting edge technology to determine if a person is climbing without being attached to the device. The A.B.S.S.™ device provides climbing wall operators a means of monitoring Auto Belay use in their facilities.
A sensor on the bolt hanger detects when the Auto Belay line or rope is unclipped from the wall. An array of sensors detects a climber’s body crossing a predetermined height. The system then compares the inputs and determines if the Auto Belay is still attached to the wall when someone crosses the sensor’s field of view. In this situation, an audible alarm will sound and a light will begin to flash, alerting both climber and facility staff. The height at which the activation of the system occurs can be customized. If a person boulders above the area that senses the climber, the alarm will go off since the Auto Belay is attached to the wall. As a result, it also acts as a warning system for boulderers who are ascending too high on the wall.